
朋友来店里探访聊天,他买的投资房空了几个月,没有人居住,可是电费不是零,还是和以前差不多的数目。经过查询Toronto Hydro,原来电费中有很大一部分是delivery费,这一部分收费主要是把电力从电厂送到Toronto Hydro再送到住家产生的费用。从Toronto Hydro网站摘录解释如下:

The Delivery Charge covers the cost of delivering electricity from the generator to Toronto Hydro, and then to your home or business. This includes the costs to build and maintain the transmission and distribution lines, towers and poles and to operate provincial and local electricity systems. Some of these charges are fixed and do not change from month-to-month. Others are variable and increase or decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use.

The Delivery Charge also includes the cost of electricity lost or consumed as heat through distributing electricity from equipment such as wires and transformers, before it gets to your home.1 Toronto Hydro collects and pays this money to its suppliers. Costs collected for transmission and operating the provincial grid are passed on, without mark-up, to Hydro One.


Customer Charge: $27.69 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Smart Metering Entity Charge: $0.78 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Recovery of Stranded Meter Assets: $0.28 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Disposition of Post–Employment Benefit – Tax Savings: $(0.48) per 30 day
Rate Rider for Application of Operations Centre Consolidation Plan Sharing: $(1.48) per 30 day
Rate Rider for Recovery of the Gain on the Sale of Named Properties: $0.10 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Recovery of Hydro One Capital Contributions Variance: $0.03 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Application of IFRS – 2014 Derecognition: $0.46 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Recovery of 2015 Foregone Revenue: $0.88 per 30 days
Rate Rider for Recovery of 2016 Foregone Revenue: $0.28 per 30 days
